Friday, March 9, 2012

Perro Verde wins at Cartoon Movie

LYON, France -- Manuel Cristobal's Perro Verde Films won European Producer of the season in the 14th edition of Cartoon Movie, the animation small-mart that wrapped Friday in Lyon. Perro Verde was competing against two Gallic companies, Moonscoop and Blue Spirit Animation. France's Remi Bezancon and Jean-Christophe Lie nabbed the ecu director jerk for 2D adventure "Zarafa," beating Bibo Bergeron for EuropaCorp-created "Monster in Paris," and also the Danish trio, Thorbjorn Christoffersen, Philip Einstein Lipski and Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen, for "Ronal the Barbarian."Belgium's Cineart won the ecu distributor kudo over Romania's Transilvania Film and Pathe, which works in France and also the U.K. Marc Bonny, founding father of leading French arthouse company, Gebeka Films, that is located in Lyon, was feted having a special tribute in the Rhone-Alpes region. Gebeka's slate includes Jean-Francois Laguionie's "The Painting" and "Couleur Miel," a hybrid live action-animation pic helmed by Laurent Boileau and Jung Henin.Galicia-based shingle Perro Verde was setup by Cristobal in 2007. It created Ignacio Ferreras' feature debut "Facial lines," that was pitched at Cartoon Movie this past year coupled with its Gallic premiere in the mart on March 7. The pic, the company's fifth feature, is repped by 6 Sales. Cristobal told Variety that Perro Verde is creating a second toonpic with Ferreras.The business's credits likewise incorporate "Talking.Inch "We goal to carry on creating family features in addition to films like 'Wrinkles' that push the limitations of animation by addressing moving difficulties with humor and endearing figures," Cristobal told Variety. Contact the range newsroom at

Monday, March 5, 2012

Finally! The Kardashians Meet Kubrick in Chilling Shining-Themed Photo Shoot

At long last, the meeting of influential cinema icon Stanley Kubrick and the amorphous multi-headed entity known collectively as The Kardashians has occurred, and here is the photographic evidence: Kendall and Kylie Jenner, younger sisters of Kim Kardashian and the other two from that show you know you watch when no one else is looking, pose a la the creepy twins from The Shining with matriarch Kris Jenner as... uh, you tell me. This particular photo shoot from the lesser Kardashians' guest visit to America's Next Top Model required its model-contestants to pose as toddlers. Naturally some genius dreamed up this scenario. I mean, all of the classic Kubrick signatures are here in this image, from the bright playroom colors to the clown lurking in the background to the leggy model-contestants posing at Kris's feet to the pastel cut-outs proclaiming "GLAMOROUS" on the wall. "Glamorous" is what Kubrick was all about, right? [Celebuzz]

'Prometheus' Fever Dream Inspires Crazy Talk

This normally takes some time before it seems sensible (whether it ever does), so bear beside me. But... I'd an aspiration. Not really a metaphoric dream, a literal one: about "Prometheus," actually! Inside it I had been part of the science team sent around the Prometheus to check out the mysteries of mankinds beginning or whatever. To tell the truth, I truly had no clue why i was there, the dream just kind of began -- something which anybody who saw "Beginning" will understand. In the world, we found something. No, it was not a crashed Space Jockey mothership full of alien eggs. Actually, we didnt even see Space Jockeys. But what we should did find would be a mysterious machine the most mystery and machineriness. It had been massive, and was clearly Space Jockey tech. We did the only real factor we possibly could do: we switched it on. We rapidly recognized it was no mere machine, but a repository of all the DNA of each and every creature the Space Jockeys had ever touch -- an Ark for a moment, similar to that subterranean seed bank they've in Norwegian. Not alone made it happen store all of this information, it had been also in a position to rebuild these creatures near immediately... also it would butchers many of these animals and using them as packed meat for that Space Jockeys to eat. It behooved us to eliminate this factor, clearly. We found a self destruct button, so when we pressed it, an adorable little egg sprang out. It hatched, and facehugged the closest living factor, and in a day, we'd an military of 10000 aliens at our backs, hunting us lower. The Finish. As you can tell, I've crazy dreams. But that which was the purpose of that lengthy story, you are asking? Well, the dream got me thinking. Word has it the new Ridley Scott film takes up large, heavy striking issues, potentially from the world-determining variety. Did aliens go to an early on time? Shall we be descended from their store? Were we produced by them? None of those solutions found me within the dream, only one factor was certain: In my opinion the xenomorphs that we understand and fear from Scott's genre-determining film were actually produced. Designed will be the perfect word. Those are the perfect weapon. Drop some eggs on the planet of the opponents, watching them wilt before your vision. In my opinion the area Jockeys produced the aliens because the ultimate weapon, the fail-safe switch if everything visited hell. Clearly once we learned, the Space Jockeys couldnt control their very own creation. During my dream, a minimum of. None of the is real, obviously, but an admirer can dream... and dreams are occasionally more real compared to what they appear. Anyway, while we are considering "Prometheus," go take a look at Guy Pearce's TED talk from 2023. That's no dream: that's just pure "Prometheus" masterdom. When Talk Nerdy co-host John Phares will get a concept in the mind, Crazy Talk is certain to ensue. Watch this space because the mad hatter of fandom takes impossible ideas and spits out Hollywood gold (approximately he loves to tell themself). Get angry at him on Twitter at @pharesvswild.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jonah Hill to obtain Israel Film Festival's Achievement in Film Award

Jonah Hill will probably be honored while using 2012 IFF Achievement in Film Award within the 26th Honours Gala in the Israel Film Festival, that is held March 15 at Vital Art galleries in Hollywood.Yossi Madmoni's "Restoration" will even screen your evening since the festival's opening evening film. The film stars Sasson Gabai becoming an older guy trying to help keep his antique restoration workshop open and wasnominated for 11 Ophir Israeli Honours, was named best film at Jerusalem Film Festival and won the Screenwriting Prize within the Sundance Film Festival.The festival, which runs through March 29 within the Laemmle Music Hall in Beverly Slopes as well as the Laemmle Fallbrook inside the San Fernando Valley, will showcase greater than 30 new Israeli films.Hill, nominated for just about any best supporting actor Academy Award for his be employed in "Moneyball," will next be viewed in Sony's "21 Jump Street," opening March 16."We are pleased to recognition this kind of dynamic and multi-faceted talent like Jonah Hill," Festival founder and executive director Meir Fenigstein mentioned. "We are excited to supply the IFF Achievement in Film Award for his amazing accomplishments and also the support for Israeli filmmaking." The Hollywood Reporter

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

TBS Renews Conan Through April 2014

Alicia Silverstone and Jeremy Sisto Should you skip any of the last seven episodes of Suburgatory this season, be warned: you'll be missing a Clueless reunion, a kangaroo named Penuche (like the caramel), a step routine by Dallas' sorority sisters (she went to an all-black college), date night for Ryan and Tessa, The Situation... Look, it's probably best if you just don't schedule anything on Wednesdays at 8:30/7:30c from now until Mother's Day. Trust us. And trust Suburgatory boss Emily Kapnek, who was in a giving mood when she spoke about everything yet to come. The 13 biggest spoilers:Fall TV Scorecard: Which Shows Are Returning? Which Aren't? 1. George and Dallas will make out. With other people. (Sorry!) The question is: Who gets jealous? Well, first... 2. Dallas will rebound with Wilmer Valderrama. The sexy new age guru will be teaching newly single Dallas (Cheryl Hines) how they kiss in his country -- and George (Jeremy Sisto) won't like it. "He cries over how irritated he is watching them go at it," Kapnek says. "It's a game-changer in that you really start to see George realize some of his feelings for Dallas. As in, OK George, if there's nothing there, why is it getting under your skin?" 3. But then, Cher and Elton Eden and George get hot and heavy!.Alicia Silverstone's Eden, who appears in the last four episodes of the season, comes to Chatswin to work on a very special, very important job for Noah (Alan Tudyk). George will fall for her fast and hard - so hard he'll want to make sure Tessa (Jane Levy) and Eden bond quickly. But Dallas warns against it. "She says, 'You know, George, lovers come and go and until you're really serious about someone, it's better that you don't introduce them to your kids.' And George is like, 'Yeah, you know what? I think I'm really serious about her!'" Kapnek says. "Oh, the crumpled look on Dallas' little face... heartbreaking!" 4. Don't worry: Clueless won't be ignored. As if! Kapnek will tip her hat to fans of Amy Heckerling's 1995 comedy in more than a few fun ways -- none of which she's willing to give up - and she's actively looking to add more. "If there's a cool cover version of 'Rollin' With My Homies,' maybe we work that in." Check out spoiler photos from Suburgatory 5. Sparks finally fly for...Malik and Lisa. We knew it ever since they did The Robot together. Aww! And romance will more than bloom for the kooky twosome. "You'll see a hint of it - no, no, it's pretty blatant," Kapnek says. "They sort of become fascinated with each other." And that leaves Tessa left feeling like a third wheel, so... 6. Ryan will make another play for Tessa. Lisa and Malik will try and groom Evan as a potential suitor for Tessa. (Remember him? Tessa serenaded Mr. Perfect PSATs during her brief run for student council president, and he's been pining away ever since.) But Ryan will be the one to rescue her from spinsterhood. "You certainly understand why Tessa doesn't want to be with Ryan, you certainly understand she's too smart for him, but they have such cute chemistry, and she caves." In exchange for taking her out, however, Ryan will asked to be repaid in a very, er, unusual way. 7. The Situation pops DJ the school dance. How positively PG! The Jersey Shore star's guest appearance as himself is more of a smush-free cameo, Kapnek tells us. "Gosh, I don't want to even spoil it because there's really only one joke." (Dalia makes it, natch.) Fun fact: Kapnek says Sorrentino travels with a doppelganger in his entourage but arrived to the set sans ego. "He was extremely sweet and super personable and we all slept with him," she says. (She's kidding.) 8. Dallas will suffer from depression. She doesn't quite get it either, but George does. "George understands because he went through a divorce. He's like, 'Of course! You're depressed! It comes with the territory,'" Kapnek says. "But it completely baffles Dallas. She's like, 'What does that mean, depressed? Do I have to buy a whole new depression wardrobe?'" The Complete 2012 Pilot Report 9. Dallas' sorority sisters will "step" in. You already knew she went to an all-black college, right? Now, we get to meet the sisters, who are called in to help cheer up the blue, post-divorce Dallas. Expect a step routine in the Royce foyer -- and old rivalries to reignite. Robin Givens plays Dallas' old college frenemy, Tulsa. 10. Tessa goes to work for Dallas. And suddenly, Tessa's getting her nails done and playing dress up. Expect George to freak out. Eden doesn't like it either... 11. Dalia goes to therapy and gets a kangaroo. Between her mom's new store, Yukult and Tessa, Dalia (Carly Chaikin) is going to be plenty irritated, and heads to therapy to vent. Noah will also get an earful of her woes - so he buys her a kanga named Penuche. "The kangaroo is sort of Noah's brainchild, his attempt to pacify Dalia," Kapnek says. "It literally hops into the living room and Dallas is like, 'Are you f---ing kidding me?'" Watch out, Yukult, Penuche is also a recurring guest star, Kapnek says. (Yes, seriously. He's signed on for two to three episodes.) 12. Steve's really out of the picture. Steve (Jay Mohr) is not coming back -- not this season anyway. "[I] love the idea that Steven is out there. It's a very interesting thing when you have this other parent somewhere, this loose thread that can surface and cause complications," Kapnek said. "It's nice to have that possibility to go to later on." Suburgatory boss on George and Dallas: Will they or won't they? 13. Tessa still wants out of the 'burbs. Mom to the rescue? By the time Mother's Day rolls around, Tessa will still be looking for a way back to her old life. At the same time, George will reach out to Tessa's grandma (Miriam Flynn), who's hasn't seen Tessa since she was a baby. "You get a little bit of perspective from someone else's point of view about what happened to his marriage," Kapnek says. It's not clear yet if Tessa and grams will meet up, but something new will occur to Tessa. "At the end of the season finale, there's an idea set in motion: a road that leads to mom. That's a can of worms we want to open," Kapnek says. Look for George's ex to debut in Season 2. Suburgatory airs Wednesdays at 8:30/7:30c on ABC. What are you most excited to see?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Vampire Journals Video: Kat Graham States Bonnie Is The Opposite Of Elena and Uphold It

Adam Campbell Harper's Island alum Adam Campbell has grew to become part of the ensemble cast of Nick Stoller's untitled CBS pilot, Deadline reviews. The comedy will star Michael Angarano as Mike, dedication-phobe who breaks tabs on his girlfriend but must still work alongside her. Campbell and newcomer Amanda Lund may have co-employees. Stoller, who'll write and direct the project, co-stars with Campbell inside the approaching feature Five-Year Engagement, in movie theaters April 27.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pandora unveils pics at Berlinale

"A Prophet" star Tahar Rahim is set to star in Fatih Akin's "The Cut," the third installment in the filmmaker's trilogy on the human condition.Examining evil in people, "The Cut" follows 2004's "Head-On," which dealt with love, and 2007's "The Edge of Heaven," which revolved around death. Akin and Klaus Maeck's Hamburg-based Corazon Intl. and Cologne-based Pandora Film are producing.It's one of a slew of upcoming productions Pandora unveiled at the Berlinale. The company, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, is also producing Pia Marais' "Layla Fourie," about a young single mother in South Africa whose life becomes entangled in lies, fear and suspicion after taking a job administering polygraph tests. Produced by Pandora as a co-production with Johannesburg-based DV8 Films, IDTV in Amsterdam, Paris-based Cinema Defacto and WDR/arte, "Layla Fourie" stars Rayna Campbell and August Diehl. The Match Factory is selling the film globally.Also on the slate is Jim Jarmusch's "Only Lovers Left Alive," a love story set in Detroit and Tangiers between two people grappling with the decline of civilization; Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddelston and John Hurt star. Pandora is co-producing with London-based Recorded Pictures, with HanWay Films handling world sales. Sung-Hyung Cho ("Full Metal Village") is directing "11 Freundinnen," a documentary on the German women's national soccer team and the 2011 FIFA World Championship produced by Pandora and 3Sat/ZDF.Pandora is teaming with Bridgit Folman Film Gang in Israel on Ari Folman's "The Congress," a loose adaptation of Stanislaw Lem's novel "The Futurological Congress," starring Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Danny Huston, Jon Hamm and Paul Giamatti. Poland's Opus Film, ARP Selection in France, Belgium's Entre Chien et Loup and Paul Thiltges are co-producing, with the Match Factory handling world sales.Additional co-productions include "My Friend Vijay," by Sam Garbarski ("Irina Palm"). Pic turns on a man, mistakenly believed dead, who discovers his newly widowed wife has taken an unseemly romantic interest in a dashing Indian. Entre Chien et Loup is producing with Pandora and Luxembourg-based Samsa Film. The company's Berlin subsid Pola Pandora is partnering with France's Pierre Grise Productions on Leos Carax's "Holy Motors," starring Denis Lavant, Kylie Minogue, Eva Mendes and Michel Piccoli in a tale of a being who takes possession of multiple people. Also in the works is Erik Skjoldbjaerg's "Pionier," a conspiracy-thriller set at the beginning of the Norwegian gold rush. Contact Ed Meza at