Monday, October 31, 2011

Henry Cavill Talks Getting Ripped For Immortals & Guy Of Steel

First Released: October 31, 2011 6:00 PM EDT Credit: Access Hollywood Caption Henry Cavill chats with Access Hollywood in the Immortals junket on October 29, 2011LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Some stars could easily get some help from the costume department when representing quite the hero around the giant screen, but British actor Henry Cavill, star of Immortals and also the approaching Zack Snyder-directed Guy of Steel, pressed his body towards the max to obtain a hero-worthy physique. We did lots of training. I had been practicing six several weeks. I began before I finished The Tudors, Henry told Access Hollywood in the junket for his latest movie Immortals. I had been up at four each morning, doing a few hrs there after which a days work. But the moment I acquired from the Tudors, only then do we could perform the full training. It increased to around eight hrs each day when it had been Feb, he ongoing. The 28-year-old actor stated he suffered 100s of bruises and cuts while shooting the experience film occur the field of Greek gods. His Immortals wounds have the symptoms of cured and Henrys physique is really a hot subject online as shirtless photos of him around the Guy of Steel set have popped up online going back two days. Regardless of the sexy shirtless shots, the actor alerts the movie will not be a hero flesh-fest. Thats only one time sequence, a little sequence within the movie. Its just people prefer to take lots of photographs from it once they obtain the chance, he described. Its an important factor for something similar to Superman. You have to convince everybody that it is an excellent guy, don't assume all fake, not every smoke and mirrors. Based on Henry, his caped hero has more abs compared to average comic character. Its an eight pack! he stated of his ripped mid-section. Immortals hits theaters on November 11 and Guy of Steel is slated for release on June 14, 2013. Copyright 2011 by NBC Universal, Corporation. All privileges reserved. These components might not be released, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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