Monday, November 7, 2011

an hour Takes note of "America's Grouch-in-Chief" Andy Rooney

Andy Rooney an hour compensated tribute to Andy Rooney one next day of the longtime commentator died after complications from minor surgery. Morley Safer brought the segment, which incorporated highlights from Rooney's 33-year-career in the TV newsmagazine as well as an interview Safer did with Rooney. Andy Rooney dies at 92 Safer known as Rooney "America's grouch-in-chief" and America's watchdog because he looked back on Rooney's career before an hour - like his time writing for Arthur Godfrey's show. Safer also covered the good and the bad of Rooney's an hour tenure. High points incorporated his impassioned coverage from the Oklahoma bombing and also the Iraq war among the low points: his suspension in 1990 over "questionable findings" he earned about race and sexuality. Ultimately, Safer stated Rooney "truly were built with a wonderful existence" - a viewpoint shared by Rooney. When requested by Safer what he'd do if he could return and do existence once again, Rooney stated he'd attempt to access it an hour and perform a bit of their own each week.

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