Monday, June 20, 2011

Tips when trying out for a musical?

I need a few tips, if you have any! Auditions for my town's summer
musical are in about five hours. You audition with singing, acting and
dancing all in one 3 hour period. The musical we're doing is Les
Miserables. I've done a summer musical here before: with the singing,
they teach you two short pieces from the song selection and you
audition in front of three judges and everybody else there- you don't
pick the part you audition for.
The age range is new 9th graders to college students. I'm a new 11th
If you need any more info, let me know.

Do you have any tips for auditioning or what to do pre-audition? I'm
never really sure if I'm doing it right. If you have any hints in
dancing, singing or acting, please let me know!

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